Introducing the Transient Labs Lounge 🖼️, where guests can mingle, experience a curated selection of works, and enjoy a live art activation.
When the NFC Summit living room is turned into a beautiful gallery…
Meet our partner Transient Labs and discover the live art activations you’ll experience at the NFC Summit Living Room today ! ⤵️
Live Art with Gabe Weis
Collectors participating in Gabe’s live mint will have the chance to redeem a FREE signed and limited edition print on an FCFS basis.
FREE hand-embellished prints will be created live, allowing in-person collectors to receive a 1/1 physical by Gabe while supplies last.
Attention Artists!! Transform Your Art with T.R.A.C.E.
Chip your physical pieces with Transient’s T.R.A.C.E. protocol, securing the authenticity of your physical artworks via verifiable records inscribed on-chain.
The team will host live demos and distribute FREE chips to attendees. Keep an eye out for more registration and workshop details
Artists and collectors are welcome to stop by and claim your complimentary drink courtesy of Transient Labs!!
Follow Transient Labs on X and tune into their weekly Spaces every Tuesday for more information.
About NFC Summit
1 Ticket. 5 Events. NFC Summit 2024 is the most ambitious Web3 summit comprising 5 events on 5 different themes: Non Fungible Conference, MemCon, Ordinals Lisbon, R3D Carpet, MOGA OFF Music Festival.
Art, Gaming, Fashion, Meme Tokens, AI Film, Bitcoin Ordinals, Beach Party.
Lisbon, Portugal. 28-29-30 May, 2024. You're all invited !